Program Curriculum

Program Curriculum

Leading Innovative Team

This course brings MIT’s motto-mens et manus, or mind to hand – to life. It will challenge you to unleash your innovative strengths and emerge a stronger, more innovative leader, as long as you are prepared to think out of the box.

This course supports the development of highly self-aware leaders with the skills and knowledge required to inspire and nurture creativity and innovation that improves individual, team and organizational performance and competitive positioning.


Participant Benefits:

Understand how leadership enables innovation by building strategies, structures and cultures that support creativity

Recognize the links between creativity—a new or useful idea—and innovation, the execution and adoption of creative ideas

Reframe the importance of identifying and defining problems to spur creativity and enable innovation

Increase self-awareness of personal leadership style and its effects on group creativity and innovation that delivers results

Strengthen leadership skills to create sustainable, innovative teams and cultures

Increase effectiveness in building and leading high-performing teams

Articulate visions that inspire others to unleash motivations central to successful innovation